Alexander LOZOVOY
Alexander Lozovoy is currently the only living Russiannartist who took classes directly from Russian avant-gardenmasters of the beginning of the XX century. His teachernwas Barbara Bubnova (1886 – 1983), who worked andnparticipated in exhibitions together with V. Kandinsky, K.nMalevich, P. Filonov, A. Rodchenko and others.

Alexander LOZOVOY is the author of books, articles on the visual arts. In particular, one of the authors of publications and comments on the first and second volumes of «Malevich about himself. Contemporaries about Malevich» (2004), publications «What Filonov was silent about» (Experiment, Los Angeles, 2005), books «Mistakes of the great masters. The sunset of realism» (2008), monographs «Varvara Bubnova» (1984), «Monotype. The technique of monotype» (together with K. V. Bezmenova, 2010), «Quotes of the Old Testament», San Francisco (2011) and other Lozova is also the author of television films: «Theater of one artist. Varvara Bubnova» (1996), «East. East. Japan and the Russian avant-garde» (2000).
While still at school, I went through the practice of labor training in the printing house, and in two years I gained the specialty of zincograph. I studied painting in a private workshop of Varvara Bubnova, who for a long time worked in the technique of lithography on zinc. My father also studied in the 1920s at the graphic department of the Petrograd Academy of Arts.
Once I examined my paintings in a microscope and saw that a single brush stroke consists of organic, natural, connected transitions from color to color, which could not be said about the whole picture. And I began to try, experiment, in order to achieve the same effect on the entire canvas. I began to use special emulsions that combine tempera with oil painting, apply various auxiliary materials, such as concentrate from oak bark, protein from chicken eggs, bee pollen, etc. All this was not my invention. Oak and alder bark was used in ancient Russia to write book miniatures, honey and eggs were used in Europe in the Middle Ages. I just changed the proportions and used more components in one work. The motives associated with the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea, later Italy, Spain, Montenegro, were attractive to my work. I live and work in Moscow. In my hometown of Sukhum, in Abkhazia, I also have a workshop where I work for a considerable time.

• A regular participant in exhibitions of the Union of Artists of the USSR, zonal exhibitions, youth exhibitions.

• A regular participant in exhibitions of the Union of Artists of the USSR, zonal exhibitions, youth exhibitions.

• Personal exhibition at the Moscow House of Scientists.;
• Exhibition of the Russian avant-garde, Center for Russian ecumenicalism, Rome, Italy.

• Exhibition of the Russian avant-garde, The auction house of J. Weiner, Munich, Germany.

• Exhibition of Russian artists, Belford Center, Johannesburg, South Africa.;
• Personal exhibition, Slovo-Art Gallery, Moscow.

• Personal exhibition, exhibition hall of the journal «Our Heritage», Moscow.

• Personal exhibition at the representative office of Banca di Roma, Moscow.

• Exhibition «Portrait of an Artist in the Interior», «New Hermitage» Gallery, Moscow.

• «Monotype in Russia in the 20th Century», A.S. State Museum of Fine Arts Pushkin, Moscow.;
• Exhibition in Jeanneret Bang Olufsen, Geneva, Switzerland.;
• «Traditions of St. Petersburg avant-garde. Varvara Bubnova (1886-1983), Nikolai Lozovoi (1901 – 1992), Alexander Lozovoi 1949» Moscow Museum of Modern Art.;
• «The Space of Modern ART», Impressio-Art Gallery, Moscow.;
• New arrivals of the graphics department of the A.S. State Museum of Fine Arts Pushkin, Moscow.;
• International art gallery «Eritazh», Foundation for the Promotion of Art, Moscow.;
• Personal exhibition, Beyond Art Gallery, Athens.;
• «Monotype in Russia in the 20th Century», State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin, Moscow.;
• Exhibition at the International Center for the Arts, St. Petersburg.

• Moscow International Art Salon, Central House of Artists, Heritage International Art Gallery.;
• «My Contemporaries», Collection of V. Dudakov and M. Kashuro, «New Hermitage» Gallery, Moscow.;
• Personal exhibition in RAOES, Moscow.

• The Russian Auction, Stockholm, March 12.;
• MacDougall’s Auction, London, June 11.;
• Sotheby’s auction, Moscow, October 08.;
• MacDougall’s Auction, London, December 03.

• «Gates and Doors», State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.;
• «Monotype», State Russian Museum, from the collection of the museum, St. Petersburg.;
• «All facets of the impossible», Art – Studio «Dominant», Central House of Artists, Moscow.;
• Personal exhibition in the House of Nationalities, Shazina Gallery, Moscow.;
• Auction of Russian art, Heritage International Art Gallery, October 12, Moscow.;
• L’Arte Contemporanea in Russia. 1950–2011, Creia, Regione Lazio, Italy.;
• Personal exhibition, «Galerie Les Oreades», Moscow.

• Contemporary art of the twentieth – twenty-first century, the International Heritage Gallery «Moscow», Moscow.;
• 14th Graphic Fair, Small Manege, Moscow.;
• Personal exhibition Traditions of the avant-garde, The Auction House of the Russian Federation, Gostiny Dvor, Moscow.;
• Sotheby’s Auction, Visual Acoustics, Vladimir Spivakov International Charitable Foundation, Moscow (April 11).;
• Russian painting 1985 – 2000 from the collections of museums and private collections, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

• Artivement, Moscow

• Artivement, Moscow.;n• Personal exhibition, Iris Gallery, Athens.;
• Varvara Bubnova and Alexander Lozovoy, Ayu Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Abroad, Moscow.

• An exhibition in the House-Museum of Pavel Kuznetsov from the collection of Valery Dudakov, Saratov.